Recently I wrote to thank Angelo's for being considerate of visitor and traffic on the Square on a week-end. After all, who wants to walk by open trash containers on the day you come to Woodstock to spend your money?
Often, it's the subtle thing that causes a person to make a decision to leave or to cut short a visit or not to spend money or as much money.
Even if a passerby doesn't smell a foul odor from the trash bins, he might imagine that he does. And that foul stench, whether real or imagined, will make a strong impression on the tourist or visitor - even on the Woodstock resident.
It is inconceivable to me that the City of Woodstock cannot address and successfully resolve this issue with Angelo's Restaurant and find a permanent solution to the problem. It's my understanding that this problem has existed for 20 years. Just imagine - 20 years!
I suspect that Angelo's Restaurant wants to be a good member of the business community. This means cooperating with other businesses and not doing something that harms the downtown business area and economy. Need I add that two of the gems of Woodstock (the Opera House and the Square Park) are only a stone's throw from this trash?
Just what is lacking here? Whose job is it to clear sidewalks of unsightly and malodorous trash bins? It seems to me that the City of Woodstock, the Chamber of Commerce leadership, the leadership of Woodstock Downtown Business Association, Marengo Disposal and Angelo's Restaurant could, in a 30-minute brain-storming session, come to an agreement about the trash cans.
If it can't, then the City must assert its authority and take whatever action will result these trash cans being kept off the public sidewalk until shortly before Marengo Disposal shows up to empty them. If that means a $75 ticket for each trash can every day, then that's what gets done.
Hopefully, reasonable officials would find a reasonable solution short of enforcement. But they haven't in 20 years. Will it take another 20 years?
I can't believe you haven't figured this out yet.
You don't really know whether or not I have figured this out or not. The answer is not in the question. But, when people around here get paid the big bucks for figuring this out - and don't, why should I tell them the answer? They won't accept it from me. If I could give the City of Woodstock the winning lottery numbers for the $64,000,000 Mega-Lottery, they wouldn't play them.
Who gets paid "big bucks" for figuring out what to do with a restaurants garbage?
Here is a possible sollution to the problem.
Get a canopy that would enclose the cans. Somewhat like the grocery stores use to have to conceal the extra carts, they were there but you didn't see them.
The canopy could either match the outside of the building which would blend in, or have it match the existing awning color. The cans would still be there but not seen. It would only have to be 1 layer deep for the cans and uncovered either when they close at night or uncovered first thing in the morning.
How is this different from driving down Dean St. (or walking along the sidewalk) heading to the square, and EVERY home on the street has garbage at the curb ready to be picked up. Some of it's not in the can and some of it's not even in bags. What do the other businesses on the square do with their garbage? Why do you constantly rag on this establishment? Please consider looking at the big picture rather than a restaurant who has a typo on their menu and won't fix it for you. PLEASE, for the love of God, show us pictures of other places on the square with garbage out. They all do it.
i think gus is jealous,thats my opinion. i like how he just picks/crusades against people that wont retaliate. i guess he has SMALL MAN SYNDROME. i would pay for him to confront that owner about it, i dont think he has the stones to do it.
Just by his choice of UserID, the above commenter must be aware that Cyberstalking is a Class 3 Felony in Illinois.
Make out your check, cashier's check or money order (do not mail cash or coins) to Gus Philpott for $1,000 and mail it to me at PO Box 1222, Woodstock, IL 60098. After it clears, I shall be pleased to resolve this issue with Angelo's Restaurant.
Ahhh, the truth is revealed. You really don't care about making Woodstock or anywhere else a better place. You just want to line your pockets. That explains all the "Code Enforcement" stuff. Just greasing yourself up for the next job opening.
Let's see, nuisance. I suppose you go to work (let me rephrase that, "to your place of work"), sit around for 7-8 hours, surf the net, make a bunch of personal telephone calls on your employer's time, take a long lunch, have someone else punch your time-card out because you left early, and then, when you do get your paycheck, you just endorse it back to your employer and tell him you don't want to line your pockets. Did I get this right?
I don't remember when anybody had employed you for anything. You are the one asking for money. You could save money by not driving around town endorsing your crusade.
Not remembering is one of the early signs of Alzheimer's. I understand it's not reversible. Good luck to you.
My dumpster is not emptied the same time every week. How do I know when to put it out? Do we need to fine Marengo Disposal as well?
Residents are allowed to put trash out at the curb 24 hours before pick-up and are expected to remove trash receptacles within 24 hours after pick-up.
The issue on the Square is about community spirit and creating an atmosphere that welcomes visitors and tourists, rather than creating an unpleasant experience for them.
Almost three years ago the City told me it had reached an agreement with Angelo's that it would use lidded containers. So much for that agreement!
When the containers are overfilled so that lids will not close and then boxes and bags of trash are also placed on top of them and on the sidewalk, a situation adverse to all the merchants on the Square is created and maintained.
Even in residential areas, there is no need to put trash out 24 hours ahead of pick-up; putting out the night before will suffice.
The most obvious and meaningful solution for all involved would be for Gus to contact Angelos and volunteer (maybe they would even pay you) to get to the restaurant fifteen minutes before pickup and get the garbage out for them. And you don't need to pay me.
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