There are certain people in this community who have been making online threats and who feel safe because they are using a screen name that they must believe cannot be traced to them.
Each one of these threats, whether published here or rejected, is being reported to the Woodstock Police Department and to the McHenry County State's Attorney's Office. File copies are preserved off-premises and will be provided to the Illinois State Police Internet Crimes Division, the Illinois Attorney General, and to appropriate departments of the U.S. Government.
I invite those who have continued to email harassing statements and threats to cease this activity against me. You will only get yourself in deeper. Cyberstalking is a Class 3 Felony in Illinois. Conviction means prison time, not time in the County jail.
You may think you are safe because of the snail's pace of investigation by the McHenry County State's Attorney's office and the initial lack of interest by the Woodstock Police Department.
I was initially advised by the Woodstock Police Department that online threats were protected speech; i.e., protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. At that point I contacted the Illinois State Police, which quickly informed me of the cyberstalking statute. As soon as you are identified, you will be prosecuted.
I urge all who are victims of crimes in Woodstock and in McHenry County and who feel that they are being disregarded by law enforcement agencies to refuse to accept such treatment. In other words, do not take "No" for an answer.
If you are being harmed or being threatened, you are entitled to police services. If you get prompt, fair, thorough, professional, polite, courteous services, speak out! And speak out loudly!
Algonquin Recognizes Local Businesses
1 hour ago
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