Getting a new G-mail account at Google is not like opening a bank account, getting a passport or opening a box at the Post Office. You don't need any ID, and you don't have to raise your right hand and swear at your computer.
This means that anyone with access to a computer can establish a G-mail account for any name that is not already registered with Google. Does this lead to abuses?
Recently someone registered "calskinner" and "mchenrycountyblog" as email addresses at G-mail, and that someone wasn't Cal Skinner. For what purpose would someone register an email account in the name of a well-known blogger and former Illinois state representative whose name is widely known?
Use of someone else's name, whether individual or blog name, must be illegal under some State or Federal law. Would such use constitute wrongful impersonation? Fraud? Deceit? Identity Theft?
If you receive an email from or from, save it and report it to Cal. It may be needed for prosecution of an internet crime.
And don't give it any credence. You can count on the fact that it was not sent by "the" Cal Skinner.
If you would more information on internet crimes and the availability of the Illinois State Police to take an interest in such illegal activity, visit, then scroll down and click on the appropriate link. Or you can go there directly by clicking:
Algonquin Recognizes Local Businesses
1 hour ago
Remember kids, "not...every violation of the law is a crime." At least according to the U.S. Attorney General.
Which U.S. Attorney General said that?
The current one, Mucasey.
U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey was talking about violations of civil service law (regulations). In a Wall Street Journal article (8/12/08) he was referring to two people, whom he said would not "face prosecution for considering improper political considerations in their hiring of judges and lawyers." “Not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime,” he said. “In this instance, the two joint reports found only violations of the civil service laws.”
Registering a UserID that is a known individual's name or weblog title and then using it, causing the public to believe that it is that individual who is issuing postings or comments, is clearly a "wrong".
Very interesting, then you should be using your real name Frank instead of Gus. you are pretending to be a gus philpott instead of yourself.
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