WANTED: One rocket scientist. Must have common sense and ability to understand right from wrong. Must be willing to stand up to those in positions of authority. Must have integrity and be honest. If you have a Ph.D. or M.A., please do not apply.
On Friday an interesting court case gets started in McHenry County. It should be called Woodstock v. Woodstock, but the name on the court papers reads somewhat differently.
Following the February decision of the 3-man Board of Fire and Police Commissioners (previously and erroneously identified in City records for years as the Board of Fire and Police Commission, until I wrote to the City and suggested that this latter name made no sense, as there was no Board of the Commission) to direct the police chief to reinstate Sgt. Gorski with full back pay, the chief (meaning the City) filed for an administrative law hearing in McHenry County Circuit Court. This hearing will be this Friday, July 18, 2007.
So what we have here is a case in which the City is in court against the City, because the 3-man Board, comprised of three Woodstock residents (one of whom happens to be police chief of Lakewood) is named as defendants! Double whammy, right? Legal fees on both ends. The Lawyers' Relief and Retirement Plan.
What's the best that can happen? Judge McIntyre rules that the Board's decision was fair and proper and tells the chief to do what the Board told him to do in February. Reinstate Sgt. Gorski and get his money to him within seven days.
What's the worst that can happen? Judge McIntyre rules that the chief is right and sends the matter back to the Board.
And what happens then? The Board convenes a Special Meeting. Watch the City's website for a 48-hour announcement of that meeting. Go to www.woodstockil.gov and then click on Boards and Commissions, then on Agendas, then on Board of Fire and Police Commission (the old, incorrect name that has been used for years).
And what will the Board do at its Special Meeting?
The Board will reconvene where it left off. The City has already spoken and presented its case. No need to hear that again. So the Board will call Sgt. Gorski.
"State your name, rank and employer, Sgt. Gorski," the Chairman will say.
"Steven Gorski, Sergeant, Woodstock Police Department," Sgt. Gorski will reply.
"Do you have anything else to say?" the Chairman will ask.
"No, sir," Sgt. Gorski will say.
The Board will huddle and then announce its decision. "Chief Lowen, our decision is that you are to reinstate Sgt. Gorski immediately and with full back pay, and you are to see that he receives a check for full back pay and interest within seven days. There being no further action before this Board, is there a Motion to Adjourn?"
Now, aside from five more months of interest on its debt to Sgt. Gorski and five more months of pay without his having had to work for it, how much will all this legal wrangling cost the taxpayers of Woodstock?
Why do we even have a Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, if its decisions are not respected and followed by the City department for which it is established?
Oh, you ask about the rocket scientist? The City of Woodstock should create a position of Ombudsman and hire the "rocket scientist" to fill it.
Funk Finks Out, Shows Vindictiveness
1 hour ago
1 comment:
I think you said it all...unless the attorneys for the city can think of some more legal avenues to prolong the inevitable and allegedly increase their bottom line on the bill for legal fees to the City of Woodstock for suing the City of Woodstock.
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