Following the historic Second Amendment Heller decision by the United States Supreme Court, a Freedom Rally will be held on Friday, July 11, in the Chicago Loop. Thousands of law-abiding citizens are expected to gather at the James R. Thompson Center, located at Randolph and Clark Streets at 11:00AM - one week from today.
This rally is sponsored by the Illinois State Rifle Association ( and (
Chicago and other Cook County politicians and Mayor Daley seem to be primarily responsible for keeping Illinois in the Dark Ages as far as Illinois gun laws. Even law-abiding citizens in Chicago cannot keep handguns in their homes for self-defense. Politicians and law enforcement leaders throughout Illinois (except northern Illinois) are not against gun ownership or concealed carry.
The featured speaker at Friday's rally will be Dr. Suzanna Hupp. Read her personal story by doing a name search on Google. Then ask yourself: Would you like to have the right to defend your loved ones and yourself, if you found yourself in similar circumstances?
Law-abiding citizens with guns are not the problem. Criminals with guns are the problem. Careless and irresponsible gun storage is part of the problem.
Gun registration is not the solution. All that does is tell the cops which doors to knock on first, when politicians decide to take away guns. Ask your friends in Australia and New Zealand.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Think about these words. Where does a militia come from? The People! Not the State. Not the government. Not the police. We must hope that never in this country will we, the People, be required to rise up against oppression by the government. But, if we ever have to, we are going to have to be armed.
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." Stay vigilant!
Funk Finks Out, Shows Vindictiveness
1 hour ago
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