A while back I wrote about Cory Voorhis, an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent in Denver who found himself up to his ears in hot water. He had uncovered apparent wrongdoing by former Denver District Attorney and current Governor of Colorado, Bill Ritter. Voorhis was being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s office. This is definitely something a person would lose sleep over; right?
I think I had received an email from a Minuteman group with a link in it, and I found a website that explained what was going on. Because the whole deal smelled fishy to me, I even made a modest contribution to the Voorhis legal defense fund.
From time to time I'd check what was going on, and today I did again. Imagine my surprise to learn that he was acquitted in Federal Court in April. You can read about it at
http://www.corylegaldefense.com/articles/art2008may16.html Read what the article has to say about former Denver District Attorney and now Colorado Governor Bill Ritter.
The power of the Government to prosecute an individual is immense. Everything seems to be on its side: time, connections, influence, endless resources, a seemingly bottomless pit of money.
Many defendants give up; some "have to" give up - they just run out of money and can no longer afford a high caliber attorney to handle their defense. Does the government ever run out of money?
By being vigilant - monitoring what is going on - in Federal, State, County and local community government, we can play an important role in making sure that we have the government we expect and one that we want - a government of the people, for the people, by the people. We, the People, must be sure that our government represents us and that it never forgets that it works for us - and not the other way around!
There are plenty of "governments" to go around, and more residents are needed to attend government meetings on a regular basis. This includes the McHenry County Board, Village Boards and City Councils, School Board, and all taxing entities - Woodstock Fire & Rescue District, Library Board, McHenry County Conservation District, etc. If you pay taxes to it, then find out what they are doing with your money.
Funk Finks Out, Shows Vindictiveness
1 hour ago
1 comment:
Gus, I agree that more vigilance is needed and attendance at board functions whatever they may be. I have been a member of the McHenry County Board of Health for almost ten years and the only time I can remember overflowing attendance or receiving an abundance of mail and e-mails is when we were considering actions that may have affected cats and dogs. Maybe that tells us something about what the average American considers important in their lives...their pets. Issues like domestic abuse and child abuse did not get much attention from the general public and little really very little positive attention and suggestions were submitted to us verbally or in written form. Americans are distracted by consumerism and materialism, their entertainment and fun...fun...fun... and that will consume them with the loss of their freedom and if not vigilant it will be lost...a little bit at a time...then GONE FOREVER. Maybe its true, people deserve the government they get.
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