What's with certain people, anyway? Too many drugs? Too much booze? Too little parental guidance when they were kids?
Why do people park in their yards? (Click on photo to enlarge it.) Well, probably because it's not their yard. It's the landlord's yard, and he's not there.
Motorcycles are motor vehicles. They belong on streets or in driveways, not in front yards or on sidewalks.
Drive by 217 E. Donovan. If they are there, give the Code Enforcement officer a call at 815.338.4305 or email CodeEnforcement@woodstockil.gov
Don't you think that the officers of this town have enough to do instead of having to bother with your nonsense observances. You talk about having the gangs taken care of, but you want them to spend their time on this nonsense.
For someone who spends so much time worrying about what others are doing, maybe you should worry about your own affairs. As they say, the apple don't fall too far from the tree. YOU know what I mean.
Worry about yourself first.....People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
It may be of interest to you to know that the police do not get involved with vehicles parked in front yards. These violations of the City Code are enforced by a civilian Code Enforcement Officer of the Community Development Department.
I invite you to write again and to tell us what you have done to make Woodstock a better, cleaner, safer place to live.
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