Should illegal parkers be ticketed on the Square? Yes? No?
If not, why should anyone park legally on the Square? If there is to be no penalty, why doesn't everyone just park wherever he wishes?
A red Ford two-door (183 2595) was parked in the small striped no-parking zone in front of Read Between the Lynes Bookstore.
Just before that a Harley-Davidson motorcycle was backed into the same striped, no-parking zone for over an hour.
A yellow VW Beetle convertible (904 1449) was parked in the striped no-parking zone in front of Mardi Gras, while the driver ran into Starbuck's for coffee. "Just for a minute", don't you know?
And a red Dodge pick-up (38 726F) parked in the handicapped parking zone in front of Home State Bank. The driver looked around, as if checking to see if anyone was watching, then crossed the street to mail letters and back to enter the bank about 11:45AM. No handicapped license plate; no handicapped placard. The fine is $250.00 plus court costs for this violation.
Our police officers should patrol the Square on Farmer's Market days, because of the increased traffic and pedestrian flow. Illegal parking is a willful violation for which tickets should be issued. This is only way to stop it. Fair but firm enforcement. You're parked there when the cop comes by? You get a ticket.
If Pritzker Were a Federal Employee
8 hours ago
Go get them Gus... Bitches runnin' wild in tha square yo! Ya dig?
But seriously, it could be worse - you could have to contend with this guy...
A Woodstock officer appeared to be writing a ticket this morning to a driver of a large SUV parked in front of Starbuck's. The officer was stopped behind the car in the parking space, so I couldn't tell what had been happening.
I was thinking today about the Illinois Traffic Stop Study, a report that might be produced annually, in which local police departments are rated by percentage of tickets to the number of traffic stops. Two years ago the Chicago SunTimes reported that the Niles PD issued tickets in 99.93% of the traffic stops. Two drivers in 2004 did not get tickets when stopped.
What do you think? Are drivers likely to obey traffic laws in Niles? I wonder where Woodstock PD ranks...
Start a petition to get some parking gargaes built. Been to Arlington Heights lately? They still maintain their charm AND can park the people. How about some positive suggestions, instead of all the "ratting out"?
The Metra Lot would be a good place for a parking garage.
Forget parking on the Square; has anyone seen this comment from below regarding the flood lawsuit? Ouch!
Anonymous said...
" Hey Sager-suck-ups, instead of ranting on Gus, why not be honest about the moronic, self-serving make-up of our local government? Remember, these are the same insider stooges that both BOUGHT and SOLD the Rec Cntr (nee failing "health club") with your tax dollars, appointed their own stooges to oversee the ethics trial against themselves, illegally promoted the d200 tax hike, keep the Opera House for their own personal gain and tax-wasting self-aggrandizing productions, forced Woodstock to become a sister-city (whatever the hell that is??!) with some narco-city in Mexico (does Sager still have extensive "business" dealings there?...), tried to re-write IL liguor laws from city hall and were literally laughed at by the IL Liq. Comm., and the list goes on and on. So just come clean: You like playing kissy-face with Sager and you're irked that people like Gus keep calling the his silly stooge-following-council to account for their actions and idiocy. C'mon, you'll feel better, come on out....."
Anon: Couldn't find that comment in the original, but hoo-wah!!, you nailed these limp-wristed Sager-ites! Glad someone sees them for what they are. Has anyone ever noticed that there is never a dissenting vote, ever???!!!! Whichever way Sager insists they vote, Webster and the other spineless court followers follow.....cute, if it din't make ya' puke.
***If I can't get a break no body can. When will this Gus guy shut up. So typical of small in size males. Always trying to make everyone think they are BIG and important by making alot of noise. Please stop waisting our tax money.
Who, me? Waste taxpayer's money? How can I do that? Please pass me the public checkbook. Do you mean by filing FOIA requests? I invite the Mayor or the City Manager to provide even just one example of a request in which I have wasted taxpayer money. Hint, hint. How about when I asked for the police report when a McHenry County Sheriff's sergeant ran a stop sign, caused an accident, didn't get a ticket and didn't get mentioned by WPD to the newspapers? Or maybe the times when Public Works has erected the wrong speed limit signs (Raffel Road; Lake Avenue; McConnell Road). I usually point things out politely at first. If they'd just check and see an error was made and fix it, there wouldn't be any waste of taxpayer money. But they did in their heels, insist they are right and finally have to make corrections after I get the City Manager involved. Or money wasted at the City Attorney's office? The score right now is
Gus 2
City Manager 0
Trying to make it 3-0, but the City refuses to get a legal opinion about the fire trucks in the Fire Lane at the Rec Center. If the C.A. came up with any decision other than it's wrong, I'd get the State Police involved (again), so that the City could understand STATE law. Parking there is illegal, when it's so that the fireman can work out.
I'm an attorney and I was shocked to hear about the time you asked the Woodstock Police to ticket someone for passing you on route 14. The officer's wouldn't write a ticket based on your "eyewitness" testimony, so you went to the Chief of police. The Chief of police told the officer to write the ticket and the person was brought to court. You were there with a City attorney and a police officer to plead your case which you lost. How many Woodstock employees did you use? You lost. You lost. You Lost! An officer had to take time away from his duties to testify, and the City attorney isn't cheap. Did I mention that you lost. You wasted tax dollars.
Speaking of taxes, tell me this:
Why does Woodstock/D200 have the HIGHE$T real estate taxes in the ENTIRE United States?
Could it possibly be that every loser in this loser city that is umemployable outside the governmental teet works for the city and/or D200 and/or Webster's self-governing fire department at some insanely inflated wage??? (I say "and/or" b/c almost all of them double dip ala Sager (city and "teacher", Webster (city and fire "chief", and 100's others.)
Those that can, do. Those that can't, nuzzle up to the frothy welfare nipple of a lifetime no-work government job.....and Woodstock proves that it is at the bottom of the barrel in the entire US.
Wake up Woodstock....
To the attorney who seems to know so much about my effort to get a serious traffic violator into court:
The driver came up fast behind me, tailgated me and then flew around me in the no-passing zone east of the hospital.
The first officer refused to accept my complaint at the police station (shift change; 4PM; no officers on the street).
His sergeant refused to accept my complaint.
The chief told them to accept it.
The officer's report indicates my typewritten statement was attached. His supervisor signed it. My statement wasn't attached.
The City's prosecuting attorney never saw my statement, which contained information that would have helped get a conviction. If he even read the officer's report before trial, didn't he wonder where the Complaining Witness's statement was? He wouldn't talk to me before the case was tried.
The other driver and his passenger perjured themselves in court.
Maybe if the cops and the attorney had done their jobs thoroughly, a reckless driver would have been convicted.
Maybe the Chief of Police knew what he was doing all along.
The Chief of Police DID know what he was doing. When I wrote "cops", I was not including the Chief. I appreciated his directing his officers to accept my complaint. Until that case I had 100% conviction rate in McHenry County Traffic Court, and I have an 80% conviction rate in Kane County. I only ask police involvement in serious traffic cases. As a former traffic officer (motorcycle and patrol car), I know the law, recognize violations and testify well. The Chief in Woodstock has always been fair with me. I drive the speed limit in the right-hand lane and suffer a lot of abuse for doing so. Try it for a month. I mean 1) No speeding for a month - not even 1-2 MPH over (try exactly 50MPH on US 14 between Crystal Lake and Woodstock); 2) Don't run yellow lights; and 3) Stop (full stop) at stop signs.
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