Interested in the immigration issue of the U.S.A.? Want to ask about illegal immigration and why the U.S. doesn’t enforce its own laws? Maybe even ask what would happen if you went to a foreign country, entered illegally, worked and used its healthcare system and other benefits?
Mark your calendars now. Thursday, September 13, 7:00PM, at MCC Conference Center (Bldg. B).
Chicago lawyer Salvador A. Cicero will speak about the U.S. immigration policy as it exists today and how international trade agreements have affected the influx of job seekers.
The program is sponsored by the McHenry County Peace Group. See
Covid Crook Gets Five Years
2 hours ago
Something tells me that the questions you raise will NOT be on his agenda - otherwise there would be a mass protest beforehand - and, oh yeah, MCC would never permit him/them to speak.....
I do wonder whether MCC will be in contact with the Crystal Lake Police Department and if the PD will quote a fee of $3500 to keep the peace. What if a rally is planned at the edge of MCC property? Will MCC cancel? I hope not. Why doesn't everyone just show up and plan to get acquainted with those who have opposing views? Instead of trying to "sell" your views to someone else, ask some questions and really listen to the answers. Listen to the content and the quality of the answers.
The talk by Sal Cicero Dominguez was excellent. He discussed migration patterns, which explain why many people from one locale, say in Mexico, end up in a certain area of the U.S.A. He also explained that it could take 13 years for a brother to arrange legally for his sister to come to the U.S. OK, so we know the "why". He didn't touch on illegal immigration and what can be done about it, but that wasn't to be part of his presentation. Perhaps the McHenry County Peace Group will schedule a presentation on that topic.
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