Sunday, September 9, 2007

Noise Disturbance on the Square

This afternoon and evening there was a fiesta or festival of some type on the Woodstock Square. I'm sure many residents and others enjoyed it.

Here's my question: Why should the amplified music be allowed at such a high level that it can be heard four blocks from the Square?

An Illinois Motor Vehicle law prohibits amplified music from a sound system that can be heard more than 75 feet from the vehicle. There is a meager fine, although the court costs are probably 2-3 times the fine. But how many tickets are even written for the violation?

When I inquired last year about amplified sound levels during programs from the Square, I was told by a city official that sound levels would be monitored and, I mistakenly assumed, controlled so that sound did not create a disturbance for the surrounding area.

I don't care whether it's mariachis, fiddles, drums or a symphony orchestra. I'm an equal opportunity listener, and I'm an equal opportunity opponent of extremely loud and annoying music. I guess one could always file a Disturbing the Peace complaint, but against whom should it be filed? The City Manager? The City Council? The Mayor? Against the department head of the City who issued the permit for the festival?

If all the City officials lived within 3-4 blocks of the Square and had to put up with the intrusion, this nuisance (loud volume) would have been stopped a long time ago. I couldn't even find out online what the event was. There is no mention on the City's website or on the Chamber's website.

1 comment:

Gus said...

One restaurateur let me know that customers complained on Saturday about the loud volume of noise from the Square event and also that business was down. Should events like the one on Saturday be scheduled at a City park and not on the Square? Did those who attended the fiesta or festival (or whatever it was called, since no information could be found on the City’s website or the Chamber of Commerce calendar) utilize most or all available parking spaces around the Square, reducing sales for all businesses on the Square? Should event-goers be advised to use parking lots bordering the Square and leave parking spaces for money-spending customers to keep the businesses “in business”?