Sunday, September 9, 2007

Flooding Losses - How Much?

So far as I know, the City of Woodstock has not announced any estimate of the losses incurred by residents due to the August 6-7, 2007, flood “event”, as they would like to call it.

In the absence of the City’s stepping forward and assembling the estimated losses, The Woodstock Advocate will provide that service.

Email the estimate of your total loss to and it will be included in the total.

Watch for regular updates at


Anonymous said...

Hey Gus,

Are you a tax paying resident of WS? You seem to have an awful lot of time on your hands, are you gainfully employed?
Just curious, you seem to need a lot of attention, you might find that focusing on being a useful citzen yourself will diminish the need you have to focus on others so much.

Wishing you all the best,

Gus said...

Yes, and yes. Fortunately, I don't need any attention. If I did, I wouldn't be working so hard to fix what's broken around here. As I drive around town with my eyes open, I see what's out of place, in violation of our laws and ordinances, the trash and junk that destroy property values. And so I do something about it, instead of just driving on past it and hoping someone else will take action.