Monday, September 3, 2007

District 200 and Special Education

Be sure to read the article from Saturday’s (September 1, 2007) Northwest Herald about the family with the 5-year-old son diagnosed with autism. Read about this family’s experience with District 200.

The reporter did not cover in depth what kind of “hearing” the family is involved with. My guess is that it is either Mediation or a Due Process hearing conducted by the Illinois State Board of Education.

There are over 900 Special Education students in District 200 schools. Parents of these students desperately need to be educated on the legal rights of these students, their children. I heard someone say once, “If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any.”

Please read the Northwest Herald article and comment there or here.

1 comment:

Test Blog said...

Here is a website ( dedicated to helping parents with special needs kids. It has links for filing complaints and many other resources.

Please pass this along to those parents.