Friday, February 14, 2014

Five years and no baseball stadium

Have five years really passed so quickly?

It was back in 2009 when Merryman Aggregate pitched (no pun intended) the Woodstock City Council on its desire to create a gravel pit along U.S. Highway 14 across from the Centegra Hospital-Woodstock, with an entrance on Lily Pond Road.

As I recall, part of the deal was ground for a baseball stadium and for the fairgrounds to move from Country Club Road.

Merryman got the gravel pit. It happened in a big hurry. Some thought, too much of a hurry.

I suspect the City of Woodstock never thought it would really receive a gift (transfer) of the baseball stadium ground. But wasn't that the deal? If a stadium wasn't built, the City would get the ground. Right?

It's about time for the City of Woodstock to knock the dust of those old Agreements, Contracts and Minutes of City Council meetings and get ready to collect.

It should be a smooth transfer; right? Small legal fees. No big bill from the City Attorney's office? That was all worked out ahead of time, while everybody's attention was focused on making the deal. right?


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