Property Taxes – Too High and Going Higher?
I hear a lot of complaints about the amount of property taxes. Do you know how much you pay? And what it goes for?
Maybe it’s time for each taxpayer to examine his tax bill carefully and understand where the monies collected from him in taxes really go. What part goes to the City of Woodstock and, once there, how is it spent? And what part to the County and how spent? And the Woodstock Fire/Rescue District. Dig out that tax bill, take two aspirin, and get ready…
A Public Notice of a Proposed Property Tax Increase appearing in the November 21st Woodstock Independent informs the public – you! – of a public hearing on Tuesday, December 4, 2007, at 7:00PM in the Council Chambers at Woodstock City Hall, 121 W. Calhoun Street.
If you wish to present testimony at the public hearing, you may contact Roscoe Stelford, the City’s Finance Director, at 815.338.4300
According to the public notice,
II. “The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for 2006 were $6,844,768.
“The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for 2007 are $7,837.600. This represents a 14.5% increase over the previous year.” (Are the words “or abated” missing here?)
III. (Not copied for this article)
IV. “The total property taxes extended or abated for 2007 were $9,533,120.
“The estimated total property taxes to be levied or abated for 2007 are $10,633,715. This represents a 11.5% increase over the previous year.”
Just what does “… levied or abated…” mean to John Q. Taxpayer?
Come to this meeting and hope to find out… More importantly, be prepared to speak your piece about Woodstock property taxes.
Will Rogers said, “It's a good thing we don't get all the government we pay for.”
Well, around here maybe we do.
Algonquin Recognizes Local Businesses
1 hour ago
Yes, lets pay for more overpriced signs that no one is going to see. They just put up new signs for the various public parking lots around the square, and the one at the end of Cass Street is hidden by a tree on each side. I wonder how much our wonderful mayor makes every year? Bet he wants a raise so they will raise our taxes AGAIN. In five years my property taxes have DOUBLED. I did NOT vote for the new schools. I am not very open to the idea of teaching our kids spanish as a mandatory thing now so that the illegals can send their kids to the public schools for free. The city council approves frivolous things like a piece of artwork to put outside fo city hall but they will not install new sidewalks.
This is INSANE. Woodstock has the highest RE taxes in the United States. This NOT an exaggeration - look it up. These stooges like Sager, Webster, and D200's Ellyn Wreski think the people of Woodstock are nothing more than tax-slaves and cash-cows for their Taj Mahal idiotic projects and no-work city and D200 jobs for friends and family. Enough is enough. Let these people know that you are tapped out!
I totally agree. Let's show them that they can't screw us over anymore. Do go to the meeting!!!!
Our property values have decreased in the past 2 years. There are more homes for sale than in recent years. There are more foreclosures than in recent years. Enough is enough! Property taxes for the District 200 schools WILL go up approximately $150 - $300 EVERY year for the next 20 years (19 years left). You can thank all the sheep that followed our politician's endorsement and voted on the 20 year increase.
Correction: I meant to say property taxes for every homeowner WILL go up approximately $150 - $300 or more EVERY year for the next 20 years. This is just for the District 200 schools portion of the tax bill.
The YES tax-voters are only partially to blame.
D200 and Woodstock City council committed serious camapaign crimes by publicly endorsing D200's fraudulent "20,000 new kids in 20 years" lie.
This crime caused many to believe the fraudulent lies they were being fed by d200.
Time to throw out Wreski at d200, the d200 board, and Sager and Webster from city offices. (BTW, does Webster still own the Rec Center or did he sell it to the city for which he "governs"???).
Serious campaign crimes?
The campaign "crime" referred to above may be the violation of the Woodstock Code of Ethics that was raised by a person who resides within District 200 boundaries. As I recall, the City investigated itself and determined that no violation had occurred.
I had read the Code of Ethics. I believed a violation had occurred, and I addressed the City Council one night to say so. While the line was thin, my opinion was that the City Council crossed it and entered prohibited territory. Had they admitted it and apologized to the community, that would have satisfied me. As they did not, the issue remains an issue with me and merits close attention in the future, should a similar circumstance arise.
The details of the sale of Ralph Webster's interest in the Woodstock Athletic Club are a matter of public record. I read the details at the time of the acquisition of the property and the Club by the City. It's my understanding that Ralph did not own the real property at which the Club was located. The City bought that from the former owner. I don't know the details of the City's acquisition of the Club (the business) from Ralph. I'd urge anyone with an ongoing interest in that topic to contact the City. When you get the facts and if you care to report them here as a refresher, post them and let me know.
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