Why is Santa’s Hut already on the Square? And “Santa Claus” at City Hall on November 25???
According to the online newsletter of the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce, the times for the Hut will be December 9-23, week-nights 5:00-7:30PM and week-ends 2:00-5:30PM.
So why is it there now, a full month ahead of time? Are we joining the commercialism of Christmas and the stores, some of which had Christmas items for sale even before Halloween? Of course. Well, how about dropping out of commercialism this year? Refuse to participate!
And milk and cookies “with Santa Claus” at City Hall on Sunday, November 25? Aren’t children beginning to wonder how “Santa Claus” can be at thousands of locations for weeks before Christmas? Oh, it’s his helper, dressed up like him… Bah, humbug. It’s an imposter. It’s someone trying to suck the dollars out of the family budget so that the stores can “make” their business year profitable.
And how about the “Complimentary Horse & Carriage Rides” offered on the Chamber’s website? When is the last time you saw someone riding a horse around the Square? I’ll be the first in line for a horseback ride around the Square. Think I’ll find a horse with a saddle on it, just waiting for a rider? Not hardly. Obviously, what the writer meant was “Complimentary horse-drawn Carriage Rides.”
Can we strike a blow on the commercialism of the holiday season? It’s too late to do so for this year, but I say, “Remove the Hut and bring it back on December 9.” And let this be the last year that City Hall hosts “Santa Claus.” What do you think, Woodstockers?
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1 hour ago
I think your a moron.
Gus! Who the f--- cares if Santa's Hut is on the square already! Is it bothering you because it blocks your view when you sit outside of Starbucks trying to catch motorists doing something illegal??? God help you!
Now be that this is only a guess, but anyone with a little logic could figure this out.
Santa's Hut is most likely put out now to avoid having to try and place it safely while there is snow and ice on the ground it currently occupies. Waiting until the day before it starts and knowing Chicagoland winters you can very likely have 2 feet of snow in the spot it should occupy.
As for Santa being at City Hall the weekend after Thanksgiving, what more perfect time to transition from one holiday to the next. The day after Thanksgiving the city always does the lighting of the square. If you would check the Community Calender on the city's website you would see that all sorts of Christmas activities are starting. Instead of critisizing everything the city does to bring a festive and happy spin on this wonderous and magical time of the year. Maybe you should sit back on Thanksgiving and write a blog about all the things the police, city, and citizens of this town have done to make you want to live here.
I challenge you to write a heartfelt, honest, and open letter to the city and it's residents about what make it such a wonderful place that you want to continue living here. It would make an excellent Thanksgiving Day post I think.
Gus, you need a blow up doll or something more constructive to occupy your time with.
Why this article does not suprise me. This old man has nothing better to do with his time but try to cause problems in the city of Woodstock. Move to a town where people actually care Philpott! The last comment posted actually had a good point get a blow up doll to relieve some of your pent up anger.
... or a sheep - whichever he prefers
My daughter saw the house on the square, and got so excited that Santa was coming to town soon. The smile on her face was priceless!
I think Philpott might actually be gay because he drives a little red VW Beetle around town.
Now who's being moronic?? If you don't like what he writes, either don't read or provide constructive criticism. The previous comment is beyond immature!
Ok buddy i am sorry for that last comment but philpott is a moron that has nothing better to do. Again sorry.
It's buddette ;-) Hey! I think I just figured out my commenting name! I don't agree with a lot of his 'beliefs' either & consider them more as entertainment, but you're just stooping to his level of bad assumptions and stereotyping when you start name calling.
Gus why did you delete that web site? Something to hide? Who ever posted that site what exactally am I looking for?
Gus, so you mean to tell me that you have the nerve to hold yourself above all of the 'evil' lawbreakers out there and you condone the actions of a convicted child molester?? How dare you! What do you have to say about yourself??
Well, I think it is smart of them to move it now. Last year, the put it out AFTER the snow had fallen and had major issues not only getting it in place but also with the power. It is hurting no one by being there at this time, and is allowing the public works crew the time to get the power fixed BEFORE it gets colder then Gus's heart.
It could be worse... this guy could be in Santa's Hut -
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