Tonight is Ladies Night Out. You’ve heard about it; right? Roses for the ladies; free limo rides; wine-tastings; specials in the stores.
Great idea. Promote visiting the historic Woodstock Square. Enjoy the Opera House. Enjoy the stores. Walk the streets and sidewalks of the Square.
Except for the sidewalk on Dean Street by Angelo’s. You’d have to see the garbage and trash to believe it. Three small wheeled totes (two of them stuffed to overfull). Behind them were four open-top barrels. Rolls of old, ugly, smelly, dirty carpet, standing upright in the small wheeled containers. An old vacuum cleaner. An old coat-tree.
And all this at 5:45PM. Why in the world would Angelo’s put all this trash out at 5:45PM and on the night when, hopefully, the Square will be full of women shoppers?
I’ve been told by long-time residents of Woodstock that this eye-sore has gone on for 20 years. Starting about 3-4 years ago I asked the City to address the issue. About two years ago it appeared it had been solved. The City told me that Angelo had agreed to get large, wheeled containers with covers. Well, that deal fell through and the City has backed away from enforcement.
It’s far past time for the City to make a deal with Angelo and to make it stick. I’m sure they can reach a deal. If they can’t, then the City can force one down his throat.
The Woodstock Downtown Business Association is trying hard to bring life back to the Square. The Chamber may have some interest, too. And the People of Woodstock ought to be interested; otherwise, downtown Woodstock will just go the way of most small downtown areas – more empty stores, more broken windows, more saloons, more drunks.
Is that what Woodstock wants?
Algonquin Recognizes Local Businesses
1 hour ago
I don't know Angelo, but what are his options? Isn;t he 100% building-locked and unable to use a regular lid-covered mini-dumpster? Maybe he needs to hire a private daytime service that does not require rat-attracting garbage to be left out overnight? Just a thought.....
Trash or no trash, the empty stores on the Square are due to the mind-boggling property taxes tenants must bear.
In some case they equal or exceed the actual rent!
It's a miracle the few that are left actually still stay in business. It's only a matter of time before the Square is a ghost-town.
Call and get some of the listing sheets of the current vacancies if you think I'm making this up.
Sager (chief city stooge), Webster ("rural" fire stooge AND city stooge AND rec center stooge) and Wreski (D200 stooge) won't rest until they drive every hard-working over-taxed homeowner and business from this town.
We need tax relief. We need it NOW.
How about some examples of rents and taxes? Do commercial tenants (store owners) pay the property taxes on a building they don't own? Probably depends on the lease. Let's put those comments in a different article and stick here to Angelo's trash.
Yes, of course Angelo has options. Where do those barrels go during the day? In the basement? He could make a deal with the garage around the corner and put the large MDC herby-curbies there. What do other businesses do? Sure, he is landlocked and has been for years. But his problem doesn't have to be OUR problem. Frankly, I am amazed and flabbergasted that the City has been unable (or unwilling) to do away with the problem.
Gus, How do you know that the carpet was smelly did you get out of your car and smell it!!!!!!!
I can only think of 2 shops/buildings that are vacant.
hey gus why dont u get a real job!!!!!!!!!!!!
obviously u have alot of time in ur hands,(idle hands are the devils playground!!!!!!!!!) U IDIOT!!!!! and FYI i asked angelo about the garbage, it was not from the restaurant, it was from a VACANT OFFICE above the restaurant that is getting some cosmectic work done!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK before YOU leap!!!!!!!!!! it may save u some embarassment. just remember what comes around goes around.!!!!!!!!
just remember mr.philpot that how you stated ur headline,ie(angelos how trashy) IS LEGALLY SLANDER!!!!!!!!!! tread lightly
Gus caught with his pants down-again! Thats probably the real reason he drives so slowly, it's hard to work the pedals with your pants around your ankles!
They won't rest until they drive every hard working over taxed homeowner and business from this town? That doesn't make any sense. How do the (supposed) conspirators benefit from that?
Regarding the Nov. 30, 2:13PM comment above, as of this afternoon there are approximately 17 stores that are empty or not open for business, including Harvest Moon; Tip Top Bistro; 2xx Main St. (where the wine store was); 223 Main St. (owned by Classic Cinemas - to be demolished if the new movie theaters are built); 216 Main St. (former Ray Wolf Jewelers); 124 Cass St. (front store in Galleria); and 110 N. Benton (former store of Studio 2015, which moved this week-end to Catalpa Lane. At a number of stores there was no street address.
Nahhh, I think you advocate-killers have got the wrong idea. It's the advocates who are standing up and speaking out about what's wrong in Woodstock and what is holding Woodstock back. Give us some examples of what YOU are doing to improve things around here. Oh, yes, and you might mention your name so we can give you credit for all the good things you are doing.
Examples of what I am doing to improve things around here? You first. I see no improvements coming from anything you have brought up with your sniveling complaints. Call me Ishmael.
Angelo's trash is holding Woodstock back? Holding it back from what? Seriously, What are your expectations for Woodstock?
I knew if I said there were only 2 vacant stores that you would go count them. HAHA you actually counted them. Dance for me bitch.
Expectations for Woodstock? Have you ever visited downtown Naperville on a summer evening? It is dynamic, vibrant, exciting. With all the hoop-de-lah about Woodstock's historic Square, we ought to be able to create something that would draw people to the Square in the evening. If the stores were open, that would be a start. But they won't stay open when there is no one on the streets or in them. Perhaps a community-interest group should visit Naperville and count the types of stores that are downtown; interview the merchants; talk to the Chamber of Commerce (in Naperville, I mean); and bring home some ideas to create vitality on the Woodstock Square, not just talk.
There are some days when I am almost tempted to respond to crude remarks like the one posted at 2:27PM, but I shall not. Seventeen vacancies is a long way from two, and every reader here, save one, knows it. Rather than deleting his crude remark, I'll leave it for those who know who he is.
A solution to all of the problems that plague Gus' life-move to Naperville. Please.
He is actually a she.
Taxes are a real issue, the landlords increase the rent when taxes go up. Parking is a huge issue, I have been told by of my people that they have to go someware else because parking is such a hassle and please don't talk about the waste of time public parking that is on average a block away. The local chamber is a joke I was a member for over two years and guess what I went to all the lunchins and meetings and never once did they talk about improving business, it was a big joke and when I asked when we would talk about thease thing the president said this is not the time for business everyone just wants to have a nice lunch and have a good time. The current head of the coc has the rebutation of being seen drunk all over town (time for him to go) and I know it is all here say right well I used to think that until I ran into him stumbaling across the street one night and a fellow business owner from crystal lake said "look at the drunk bastard" I was embaressed to say no thats the head of the chamber! The shops on the square are all closed on sunday when people are off work and are closed before people get off of work at night, I guess retail works different in woodstock! The city historical sociaty should leave the business owners alone and worrie about real issue's like working with owners not working against owners to make woodstock better. Farmers market this is the best takes up parking space about 30%, takes away buisness from shops on the sqaure, has little to do with farm products, business's are not even from the area (looks like money talks)it hurts period except those who get the money think about it. The idiot kids that should not be alowed to hang out on the square all night, thease are not the kids your mom and dad wanted you to hang out with and they make many people feel unsafe to walk around the sqaure at night (have them look like vampires). I have saved my best for last the stage left cafe, it is amazing how much money went into that project. I would also like to note all the opera house employees that do all the work. The square and business is hurting in woodstock so lets spend money and resorces on opening a cafe that helps the people and business's of woodstock in no way, using our money to start a business to compete against duh! I would like to say I thing the W.O.H is one of the best things about woodstock but that was a bad move and we paid for it. So back to angelos well they are one of the few business's that have been around for a long time and is one of the only places to get somthing good to eat late at night that isn't fast food crap. I hear but can't confirm that, they give a ton of money to the chamber and other local orgs to help premote activitys. I have heard the manager John S at the W.O.H say how much he has helped out for events and gatherings. I am also to understand that he has givin many other buisness owners help and business in town. This place and its garbage is not the problem but spending all this effort on it is, Gus address some real issue's and remmber the sqeeky wheel gets the oil but sometimes it gets replaced!
Can you say, Huked on Phonix?
maybe your green box that you have in front of the business you are constantly harrassing should end up in the trash. by the way gus the owner of angelos should thank you for the free publicity!!!!
dumb ass, more business from publicity = more trash. ps the owner of the plate that was ZQQM i believe is owned by angelo himself.
hey gus wanna another citation for a headlight? it amazes me that u wanna impose fines and ordinances but when it affects u u scream bitch and moan like a pussy. whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
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