Friday, June 17, 2011

Unions are ripping this country (and county) apart

If you want to read something that will make your blood boil or head for the big white porcelain bowl in the bathroom, check out the article on about Riverside Plaza, formerly known as "Tyvek Towers". You know the monster - corner of Route 62 and Route 31 in beautiful downtown Algonquin.

The bricklayers are mad about the use of non-union labor at the site and are "information" picketing. What did FEN have to say about this?

In part, FEN said the picketing "...came just as most governmental bodies are in the process of adopting this years' (sic) mandatory prevailing wage ordinances, pretty much the same as the local union wage. The prevailing wage for bricklayers in McHenry County for 2011 is $39.03 per hour, plus $8.80 in health insurance and a $10.67 pension contribution. Let's see, how does that add up?

$39.03 hourly wage
$  8.80 health insurance
$10.67 pension contribution

FIFTY-EIGHT FIFTY AN HOUR??? You gotta be kidding! For a bricklayer?

Pass the barf bag!

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