Sunday, February 7, 2010

How is it at MCSD?

How is it at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department, when an employee reports some activity, incident or procedure that s/he considers as out of line?

OK, we know how it should be. But how is it?

One contributor of comments has submitted the following: "this group of unknown sources you have must be gutless or not motivated toward having their complaints vindicated. I suggest they take their accusations to the credible investigative persons so they can be either sustained or adjudicated as unfounded. If these SOURCES are a members of the MCSO, by NOT bringing their knowledge forward they are violating the General Orders of the department and furthermore are perpetuating an ethical violation. For that reason I opine that they are merely blowing smoke."

So I ask MCSD employees, whether sworn or correctional or clerical: "What happens when you call attention to something that shouldn't be happening?"

There are several ways for you to comment: online here as a "comment"; by phone, fax, direct email, U.S. Mail, or just slide it under my door.

(Ticking packages will be submerged in the bathtub until ticking stops.)

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