Thursday, April 3, 2008

Anti-Virus Warning

There is an email circulating now that warns about an email with the subject line, “Mail Server Report.” It also reads that says it is real. It includes an attachment.

The best route is to go to and search for “Mail Server Report.” You’ll find that this one, unlike many other similar warnings, is True. Many of the other email warnings claim that Snopes reports them as true but, when you do go to Snopes, you find out otherwise.

Do not open the attachment in the email with that subject line. Read the report at to learn why you should not.


Anonymous said...

By all means frank, open it up and click on the link. Then Woodstock will be free from the oppression of its worst advocate.

Anonymous said...

hehe i posted a comment 4 the first time on this blog wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!