Thursday, February 4, 2010

Warning to Veterans...

Use it or lose it? You've heard this; right?

How about, "use it and lose it." Use your VA benefits (money?) and not be able to manage your financial affairs, and you might just lose your Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Read today's posting on McHenry County Advocate at (not to be confused with McHenry County Blog or the Woodstock Advocate (where you are right now, of course)).

I'm reminded that "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance." That's eternal vigilance! We can never give up keeping our government (make that, governments) under a microscope.

1 comment:

Richard W Gorski, M.D. said...

It seems that more and more of our personal freedoms are being eroded by various US Government Depts., Agencies, Presidential Directives and what not every day. Who do the 27 Czars (spelling?) that have been appointed by President Obama answer to; certainly not Congress or the people. It is getting really scarry out there. I believe they act to a certain degree on their own so that the President can present a defense of "plausable deniability".