Friday, February 5, 2010

Supervision of Correctional employees

To what extent are Correctional employees at the McHenry County Jail closely supervised?

Is there closed-circuit TV that covers all areas of the jail? Are there nooks and corners where the cameras don't "see"?

What happens when a gang of one type or another decides to go after an inmate? Are jailers alert for such focused attention, and do they act to protect the inmate who is a target?

Do jailers have "favorites" among the prisoners? Or do they have dislike for certain prisoners? And, if so, how are they permitted to display such dislike, if at all?

Is there any affection shown between any jailer and an inmate? Wasn't it just recently that a male jailer was accused of inappropriate (and illegal) contact with a female prisoner?

What would be the repercussions of an inappropriate relationship between a female jailer and a male prisoner?

If a jailer did want to create trouble for an inmate, how could it be done? Could it be done indirectly?

There must be strong training, direction and expectations from the very top. And there must be swift action, if there is a bad apple anywhere in the employee ranks, when dealing with a confined population.

One major policy that needs changing at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department is the threshold for discipline cases that go to the Merit Commission. Currently, only cases involving suspensions of more than 30 days go to the Merit Commission. In the absence of an Internal Affairs Division, that's too long.

The sooner that cases go to the Merit Commission and become public record, the higher the trust of the public in the Sheriff's Department.


Support the police said...

Hmm, sounds like someone is giving you inside information on something that has occured in the jail this week.

Notawannabee said...

Hey Yoda, I email the explanation of the Merit System in Illinois but you never published it.

So much for allowing the other views!!!

Gus said...

Hey Darth. I don't remember ever seeing your explanation. Want to send it again?

Notawannabee said...

What I asked is how you can be Sheriff, when you know so little about the law relating to Sheriff Operations. Merit Systems are set by Illinois State Statute. Sheriff’s can not change the law to fit their fancy. There is nothing nefarious about the local system that is hiding hearings from your personal review. The 30 day rule of which you speak is actually a safeguard to prevent Sheriff’s from suspending deputies without cause and closely follows the Civil Service act which governs local police and fire boards. Secondly the deputy can make a choice to appeal through the MERIT Commission or go through the FOP grievance process. Most opt to use the FOP. Command personnel are not covered by the collective bargaining agreement (FOP) and as such use the Merit Commission.

Correctional Officers use the FOP process as they are not covered under the Merit Commission. Again the Act only covers MERITED Deputy Sheriff’s. Correctional Officers are not deputies adn are not hired via the Merit System. This is law and not something the local Sheriff can arbitrarily change.

So this being said , you always try to paint the McHenry CO Sheriff as being diabolical and trying to cover up everything. If anything, this Sheriff has been open and responsive to the public in properly administering disciplinary action.

Gus said...

So then, why does the Woodstock Police Department send discipline cases involving suspensions greater than five days (not 30) to its Board of Fire and Police Commissioners?

No doubt that I have a lot to learn. So what?

My sense of "smell" is still good. When something smells rotten, I can detect it quickly.

Packing a Merit Commission with a lot of head-nodders - a good idea? Sure, you never get challenged. And some don't even show up for meetings.

Gus said...

Notawannabee, I'm really glad you threw this in at the end, "If anything, this Sheriff has been open and responsive to the public in properly administering disciplinary action."

When off-duty deputies get stinking drunk and one batters (not assaults; batters) another deputy (and, indeed, one of the opposite sex), and that injured deputy is "persuaded" not to call the local (Woodstock) Police Dept., and no criminal charges are filed or information released to the public, you call that being "open and responsive to the public"?

And when, in fact, information about it is later withheld from the Woodstock Police Department?

I call it "cover-up".

mike said...

Merit commission vs police & fire commission... Apples and Oranges. Read the law. Read the contracts. Stick to the facts as they apply to the case in point. If you're talking about the police and fire commission and city, stick to that. When you try to compare what Woodstock does in a case to what the Sheriff or the State Police do in a similar case, you lose credibility and look the fool. These people aren't making this up as they go along. They are bound by both state law and their respective labor contracts.

Notawannabee said...

As you can see, BOTH the Sheriff’s Merit System and the City Police & Fire Commission are following the same basic guidelines. They are under different statutes and as such there are some differences. Civil Service rules do change if the municipality is HOMERULE or for Cities greater than 500,000. As you can see the SHERIFF is NOT empowered to change the rules. Also you will see that in a CITY the MAYOR appoints the commissioners and in the County it is the County Board. Not the EVIL cabal you pretend. You come up with these SUPPOSED RUMORED incidents which are not verified or witnessed except by your own sources which we know are all truthful. Wait, one did admit to lying, now who was that?

The following is directly from the Illinois Compiles Statutes. It shows the similarity between the 30day hearing rules of Civil Service and Merit systems

(65 ILCS 5/10 1 18) (from Ch. 24, par. 10 1 18)
Sec. 10 1 18. (a) Except as hereinafter provided in this Section, no officer or employee in the classified civil service of any municipality who is appointed under the rules and after examination, may be removed or discharged, or suspended for a period of more than 30 days, except for cause upon written charges and after an opportunity to be heard in his own defense.

(55 ILCS 5/3 8013) (from Ch. 34, par. 3 8013)
Sec. 3 8013. Disciplinary measures. Disciplinary measures for actions violating either the rules and regulations of the Commission or the internal procedures of the sheriff's office may be taken by the sheriff. Such disciplinary measures may include suspension of any certified person for reasonable periods, not exceeding a cumulative 30 days in any 12 month period.

Maybe you should start thinking why your sources are all the cast aways of the MCSO. Just a few bad apples that have been weeded out and now try and dirty the image of the many great employees that have to put up with these unfair attacks.

Gus said...

Not, you really don't know who my sources are, do you? You're making an assumption, and you are incorrect.

Notawannabee said...

I responded to both this topic and the supposed Hit and Run topic. Both seem to be based upon these SOURCES of yours, so my response is appropriate to both topics.

You SOURCES....Once again here we go with your hyperbolic rambling. These people that portend to be so knowledgeable should make their first hand witness known to the Sheriff. I suspect that this is nothing more than malcontents throwing aspersions against the wall to see what smears the paint. Dragnet’s Sgt Joe Friday always asked for “Just the facts”. This blog deals with innuendo and unsubstantiated attacks. Gus this group of unknown sources you have must be gutless or not motivated toward having their complaints vindicated. I suggest they take their accusations to the credible investigative persons so they can be either sustained or adjudicated as unfounded. If these SOURCES are a members of the MCSO, by NOT bringing their knowledge forward they are violating the General Orders of the department and furthermore are perpetuating an ethical violation. For that reason I opine that they are merely blowing smoke.

Zane said...

Notawannabe is Pyle. He loves Shakespeare and I saw the book on his desk before. I've heard them talk about it. I would report it but Kathy Seith would cover it up. That's why things don't get reported. Fear!!

Notawannabee said...

To: YouDon'tKnowNotawannabee

Oh do I have them thinking... Shakespeare? I'm quite happy to hear that Sergeant Pyle is a fan of the great works of literature.

Oh how they wonder. Yes Sergeant Pyle is a friend of mine but alas tis not myself of whom you speak. Fact be known, my shadow hast not fallen upon those grand halls of late but fear not; Notawannabee, is the author of many words, but alas the soliloquy of those who ponder thine name. I toast.

What's in a name? that which we call a rose; By any other name would smell as sweet; I know not how to tell thee who I am: My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, Because it is an enemy to thee; Had I it written, I would tear the word.

Go, write it in a martial hand; be curst and brief; it is no matter how witty, so it be eloquent and fun of invention: taunt him with the licence of ink:
if thou thou'st him some thrice, it shall not be amiss; and as many lies as will lie in thy sheet of paper, although the sheet were big enough for the
bed of Ware in England, set 'em down: go, about it. Let there be gall enough in thy ink, though thou write with a goose-pen, no matter: about it.

So maybe when you are snooping in Sergeant Pyle’s office, dare ask to borrow his book of great literature and learn. Because I know you could not find it in your meager self to find these works, I shall provide them to you.

Romeo and Juliet Act 2. Scene II & Twelfth Night - Act 3, Scene II

Oh and tell Sgt Pyle, “Mongo” said HI…

Notawannabee said...

Let the games begin..........
For those who question:

"Mongo, only pawn in the game of life"

Blazing Saddles 1974 (Jail scene)
Alex Karras

Zane said...

Maybe you're not Pyle. You're definately are a dork. You definately are breaking G.O.'s by posting what you post. You're the problem. Without people like you MCSO would be a great place to work. I have a feeling the day is coming when you and your cohorts won't be able to intimidate anyone, anymore.

What are you guys going to do when Zane comes strolling back in the door? I can't wait. I wonder how many of you will bolt before that happens.

mike said...

If past is prologue, the only way Zane will come "strolling" back into the Sheriff's Office, will be as a defendant.

Justin said...

Let me understand this. The previous writer states that Notawannabee is in violation of posting to Gus' site, but the same writer,IKnowNotAwannabee is not? This may be supposition, but earlier Nota said these deputies with knowledge of illegal acts were complicit or violating General Orders. Gus then made it topic question. Maybe if these 'sources' went to the department with a written allegation it could be settled once and for all.

Who is Kathy Seith? Is she a deputy and is covering up something?

I wonder if Notawannabee is really a cop. He writes too well. Maybe he is a lawyer that knows all the people involved? Complements to Nota. I look forward to his/her comments.

Notawannabee said...

Thank you “Just” for the compliment.

As long as this blog continues to perpetuate wild eyed nonsensical ramblings which denigrate good deputies, I will continue to dispute these detractors. Gus has read too many conspiracy novels and probably has a life size shrine to Oliver Stone in his apartment. He openly accepts as fact the unsubstantiated allegations of these ‘sources’ yet they appear unwilling to pronounce them to official authority. The sources like to fabricate loony aspersions.

As to the incoherent comment from IknowNotAwannaBe , he says, "Without people like you MCSO would be a great place to work. I have a feeling the day is coming when you and your cohorts won't be able to intimidate anyone, anymore."

NOW "splain me this" can Notawannabee intimidate anyone? You mention Sgt Pyle’s reading Shakespeare like he is the harbinger of the coming of the anti-Christ. Somehow a dangerous omen analogous to some diabolical workplace threat.

Have you fallen down a rabbit hole lately or is it just the Skunk having an anxious moment?