Sunday, November 30, 2008

Must-See Video

If you have any interest in historic preservation and in saving Grace Hall, you've got to see Courthouse Girls of Farmland. This video will be scheduled for a showing in Woodstock, probably in December but no later than in January.

What's it about? Go to

In 2005 the commissioners of Randolph County, Indiana, voted to demolish the courthouse and build a modern courthouse. Seven women, ages 77 to 94, spearheaded a plan to save the courthouse. And they did!

Proceeds from the sale of the Courthouse Girls of Farmland calendars raised more than $45,000!

Feel like a little drive? Head for Winchester, Indiana, county seat of Randolph County. It's in east central Indiana, about 7 miles from the Ohio state line and about 20 miles north of I-70. And while you are there, don't miss Farmland (just a little west of Winchester).

Can't wait for the showing of the video in Woodstock? Buy your own copy on their website for $22.45, including shipping. Just click on Store on their website.

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