Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Don't Open That Door!

Voting Day is always fun for me. Several years ago, when I lived in Richmond (Va.), I had a button made, reading, "Vote Early & Vote Often." I wear it every Election Day, even on days like today when horrendous expense is involved to do so little voting. Why don't we combine municipal elections with other elections and save us all a lot of money?

I always thank the folks at the polls. When they smile at my button, I always say, "See you later!" Today I only got one "I Voted" sticker, but sometimes they offer me more than one.

But today I almost didn't get to vote. As I entered the Dorr 8 polling place at First United Methodist Church, I was greeted by an imposing sign on a door that read, "By Order of the State Fire Marshal this door must remain CLOSED at all times."

Shhhhh.... I broke the law by opening that door and going through....

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