Thursday, February 20, 2014

Funston Elementary - no fun at all

Just how incredibly stupid are school officials? Read this story and, if you aren't incensed, then you just aren't awake!

Caden Cook, an 11-year-old 6th Grader at Frederick Funston Elementary School at 2010 N. Central Park Ave., Chicago (Yes! a Chicago Public Schools facility), is in hot water for taking a weapon to school.

Ahh, you say, but ...

But look at the "weapon". Apparently, Caden arrived at school with the "weapon", and he did the responsible thing - he turned it in. And that's when the fight began.

Reading the article on GunsSaveLives.Net reveals that Caden was subjected to " ... intimidation tactics, interrogation, and dire threats by school officials—all without his mother being present."

The Rutherford Institute is asking that the suspension be rescinded and that the incident be removed from Caden's permanent school record.

Can that "weapon" violate any school’s weapons policy against dangerous objects? It's not a weapon, and it's certainly not a dangerous object!

Care to express your opinion to the Principal at Funston? Write to

Mrs. Nilma Osiecki, Principal
Frederick Funston Elementary School
2010 N. Central Park Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647
Tel. 773.534.4125
 [No published email address]

The school can't even get the spelling of the Principal's name right on its website. On the homepage near her picture, her last name is spelled Osieck. In the Staff Directory dropdown menu, her last name is spelled Osiecki.

Check out the school's motto:
Plowing the Fields of KNOWLEDGE
Planting the Seeds of SUCCESS

Now they can add Destroying HONESTY and RESPONSIBILITY.

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