Wednesday, January 8, 2014

TWI on City's cop-out

The Woodstock Independent hit the City of Woodstock hard
today on its editorial page, along with this editorial cartoon.

The editorial on Page 5, titled "Our View",  starts off with a quote of the City's motto: "True to its past ... Confident of its future."

The editorial continues with its explanation that the City's motto has been tarnished lately.

Be sure to pick up a copy of the Jan. 8-14 (weekly) issue at the newspaper's office at 671 E. Calhoun St., Woodstock (just west of Route 47) or at many retailers throughout the city.

Unfortunately, the editorial is not available on the website of the paper. The paper normally doesn't get into controversial issues, and I compliment the ownership and editorial staff for sticking up for the residents.

This week's paper (single copy) will set you back 75¢ or a buck. Whatever it is, it's worth it. This might be a good time to go ahead and subscribe. A year's worth of papers delivered to your mailbox will cost you $25-35.

In my opinion, the holidays and the cold weather have contributed to the relative silence of the townspeople in the past two weeks on the Amati issue. The City Council waved its arms, moved its lips and thumped its collective breast and did little else.

The administration of the City had to know what was coming. The Police Chief certainly would have informed his boss, the City Manager. The City Manager certainly would have informed the Mayor. They all had plenty of time to tell the Chief what to put forward to the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, which was short one member because the City Council hadn't filled the empty chair.

There are a lot of people who shouldn't be let off the hook easily on this one. Telling the residents "We can't do anything" is nothing short of a cop-out (no pun intended).

Coming up?

Coffee with the Chief, Monday, January 13, 7:00PM, Woodstock Police Station
City Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 21, 7:00PM, Woodstock City Hall

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