Tuesday, December 24, 2013

What's wrong with court systems?

Kane County, this time.

The Northwest Herald reported on December 24th that Tyrell Sumling, 24, of Carpentersville copped a plea to felony aggravated domestic battery for a five-year sentence in the Illinois Department of Corrections. He must serve 85% of the sentence, but he got credit for 445 days in the Kane County Jail.

FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE DAYS??? So much for a speedy trial...

How bad a guy is he?

2008 charged with domestic battery; convicted
2010 charged with domestic battery; convicted
2011 charged with domestic battery; convicted
6/19/2012 charged with aggravated domestic battery; convicted

If he's 24 now, then he was, maybe, 19 in 2008, 21 in 2010; 22 in 2011. The judges, probation officers and any parole officers certainly didn't get through to him.

85% of a five-year sentence is 4.25 years, or 4 years 3 months.

Will he be rehabilitated? Or will the severity of his crimes increase?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to my world. Do you now realize why our job is so frustrating ?
