Monday, November 11, 2013

Armed and stopped... what next?

Soon Illinois residents will begin applying for concealed carry licenses and, once the license is issued, many of them will start carrying.

If you aren't worried now about the criminals who are already "packing", there is little reason to worry about licensed, armed civilians who are carrying loaded, concealed firearms. I can't imagine that very many will want to play the Illinois version of the George Zimmerman Game.

Those who will be "carrying" will want to know what to expect during a "friendly" encounter with a law-enforcement officer. Let's say that you are the legally-armed driver and get stopped for a traffic violation. Or you are buying your burger at a local fast food joint, and somebody in line notices your firearm. And calls the cops.

You've already thought it through, right? No "furtive" moves. Keep your hands in sight. Don't reach for anything without the okay from the cop in charge for the response team, which might be 4-5-6 officers and squad cars. If your concealed carry license is in your wallet in your back pocket or in your purse on the floor, be sure the officer and you are in full agreement before you reach for it.

The McHenry County Right To Carry Association will hold an open meeting about law enforcement contact with armed civilians. Concealed carry licenses can be applied for in January, and the Illinois State Police will begin issuing licenses. Scheduled speakers will be from the State's Attorney office, the McHenry County Sheriff's Department and area police departments. Members and the general public are invited to this free meeting. Thursday, November 21, 7:00PM. Woodstock VFW, 240 N. Throop St., Woodstock. Visit for information.

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