Monday, June 10, 2013

Richard Bach's latest book

Do you know that Richard Bach has published a new book, Travels with Puff? Bach is the author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1970), Illusions (1973) and other books.

Bach was injured in a crash of his seaplane, Puff, on August 31, 2012, and he had turned in the manuscript for this new book just the day before. After four months in the hospital, he was discharged to his home. Very little information about his health and recovery has been made public.

I haven't met Bach, but I did know the man who taught him to fly. That man was, when I met him, a chief check pilot for United Air Lines. I'm sure he has retired by now.

You can purchase Bach's books at your favorite bookseller or on  The Amazon book description concludes with, "Can we ever really be safe? And, is being safe always what we want?"

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