Monday, April 29, 2013

MCSD - policy on tattoos?

Does the McHenry County Sheriff's Department have any policy on tattoos on deputies? Would that disqualify an applicant for a job as a deputy or corrections officer?

Did you notice the photo in the Northwest Herald this morning of Deputy Kramer holding the thermal imaging camera? What's up with the "death" tattoo?

I don't have any problem with deputies being fit and strong enough to do the job. From time to time they have to deal with hard-to-handle suspects.

I do have a problem with "pumped-up" physiques that then present a "Bully" appearance and attitude to the public. I recall being at the McHenry County Fair a few years ago, and two deputies were strutting around in their black "muscle" t-shirts. They were armed, of course, but it was hard to see their official ID on the shirts.

MCSD should have a policy that tattoos will be covered while on duty and representing the Department. Deputy Kramer needs a shirt with a longer sleeve, since his tattoo is probably permanent.

You can view Kramer's tattoo online or in the print edition of the Monday Northwest Herald.

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