Monday, March 11, 2013

Ill. Concealed Carry Petition

Rep. Dwight Kay
Illinois State Representative Dwight Kay (R-112 (Edwardsville)) is circulating this online petition. Please sign it.

Thank you for contacting my office in support of protecting the Second Amendment.

I support our Second Amendment rights and I am a co-sponsor of concealed carry legislation (HB 997).  On February 15 I began to circulate a petition in support of HB 997.  Since then, I have obtained over 1,090 online petition signatures.

My petition reads as follows, "The Second Amendment states the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  In December 2012, the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed our rights by throwing out the State of Illinois' concealed carry ban.  Chicago politicians have blatantly disregarded our Constitutional rights for years, now is the time to stand up and protect our families and property from violent criminals.  It is for this reason that we, the undersigned support passage of House Bill 997.  We urge the General Assembly to pass concealed carry now!"

If you would like to sign my online petition in support of concealed carry please visit

Again, thank you for sharing your opinions with my office.  If you have any questions please contact my office at 618-307-9200.
Dwight Kay
State Representative - District 112

Nothing has happened on HB0997 since February 28. Forty-eight Representatives are co-sponsors. Rep. Jack Franks is not. Please call Jack's office (815.334.0063) and ask him to co-sponsor HB0997 without more delay. Try to learn why he has not signed on yet. (Please post his reason as a comment here.)

Illinois must enact a concealed carry law (passed by both Houses and signed by Gov. Quinn) within 180 days of December 11, 2012 (thus, by Sunday, June 9, 2013). If it doesn't, Illinois becomes a Constitutional Carry state.

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