Tuesday, February 26, 2013

State legislature food fight (errr, floor fight)

From the Illinois State Rifle Association:

HB-1155 - Floor fight in the Illinois House of Representatives right now!
It's a floor fight going on in the Illinois House of Representatives right now on Mike Madigan's HB-1155 carry bill.

It's time a again to call your representative and urge hiim or her to only support the amendments to this bill that have been introduced by Brandon Phelps (right now that's amendment #27)

Any amendment not by Brandon Phelps is an attempt to restrict your rights and is not supported by ISRA. Urge your representative to vote NO on any such amendment.

If you do not know who your state representative is, please click the link below and you will be able to identify your representative and get their Springfield phone number.

 Find contact information for your state rep here: www.ilga.gov

Don't know who your state representative is? Go to http://www.elections.il.gov/

Then click on "Voters" (top row), and then "Am I registered to vote?" Work your way through until you find the House District in which you live; then go to www.ilga.gov

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