Monday, January 28, 2013

Saturday's People-in-Need Forum

The People-in-Need Forum last Saturday at McHenry County College was very attended and very well organized. This event was for providers and community citizens who are interested in helping others. A huge amount of information was available, both in seminars and at display tables scattered throughout the Commons.

I was "bad"; I didn't sit in on any seminars, even though there were several that interested me. I was more interested in spending time with those who had set up display tables and in talking with them one-to-one about their programs.

One of the sponsors, First Midwest Bank, offered a flash drive with the current Resource Directory. A printed copy of the bi-lingual Directory was included in the gift bag distributed to each attendee. The Resource Directory is available to all at Choose English or Spanish for your download or viewing.

If you want to see what you missed, go to the same website. This fall, watch for the announcements of the 2014 People-in-Need Forum, which is probably be held at the end of January 2014.

As you do business around McHenry County, be sure to thank the sponsors of this year's event:
Ace Coffee Bar
Barnes & Noble
Family CARE Wellness Network
First Midwest Bank
Friends of McHenry County College Foundation
League of Women Voters McHenry County
McHenry County College
Northwest Herald

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