Friday, January 18, 2013

Round 1: car vs. house

Last Friday night was pretty exciting in Woodstock, when a driver heading south on Birch Road must have forgotten to stop at St. Johns Road and paid a visit to the family across the intersection.

A reader asked me why this didn't make the Northwest Herald and whether someone "connected" might have been the driver.

Honest! That was the question posed to me.

And it's a reasonable one. There is not all that much going on in Woodstock to keep the police busy; at least, according to what the daily newspaper prints. So why wouldn't a "car meets house" crash hit the paper?

Is there a Daily Blotter at the Woodstock Police Department? Can a reporter drop by at any time and read it? Could it be online, so that anyone in town could read it? Sure could...

Or at least it could be on a table in the lobby at the police department, where anyone could drop in and read it.

There is a "Blotter" at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department. Of course, you have to park in the parking lot, hoof it to the front door, pass through security, go to the second floor and way down the hall to the Sheriff's Department Administration office before you can read it.

Does any reader know what happened last Friday night? I'm not too excited about forking out my own $5.00 for a crash report to find out what happened.

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