Friday, December 14, 2012

Changing face of Main St.

Is this what the City Council expected? Is this what the residents of Woodstock expected?

Will the finished product be really nice and an addition - a complement - to Main Street in Woodstock?

I myself am shocked at the height of the walls now fronting the new Classic Cinemas expansion project.

How about you?

Do you remember seeing an architectural mock-up of the expansion? I don't. Even so, until you are standing on Main Street and looking at the size and height of the new walls, I don't think you get a feel for what's really there. Of course, it's too late to do anything about it (like toss the City Council out the window and bring in those who will preserve and enhance the history of the Woodstock Square.

Like it says on the City's website: "True to its past ... confident of its future" Well, so much for the "past" part of it.


  1. Terrible, just like the Raue Center in Crystal Lake.

  2. Huh. Looks to be 6'-8' higher than the adjacent building, and is an unfinished shell of concrete- nothing even remotely resembling the finished structure- which, if you had paid any attention to the planning process, something with which you'd be familiar.
