Thursday, August 9, 2012

Crime-fighting by MCSD

I hear there is a new knuckle-brained plan at our McHenry County Sheriff's Department. Deputies drive their patrol cars to certain locations ("hot spots") in the County and then park and wait for crime to come to them.

Why, all you have to do is look at the Crime Map on the Sheriff's website and you can see all the crime. Serious crime, I mean. Like Motorist Assists and Citizen Assists...

Squad cars are pretty well marked these days, including with reflectorized strips. So don't you think that a burglar, robber or other miscreant driving around and looking for a mark might just spot the patrol car and head on down the road a little farther?

What happens when Dispatch radios a call? The deputy can't go; he is assigned to sit somewhere and wait for crime.

Who goes? A shift sergeant?

Who thought up this scheme? What do the deputies think of it?

Makes a lot of sense; right? Right?

1 comment:

  1. Shift sergeant? Hanle a call? We used to have a saying. You point at the Sgt stripes on their arm and starting from the bottom you move up one stripe with each word as you sa make more money. Now on the way down the other three say do less work. And that fits. Sergeants for the most part believe that they are immune from that. They would be more likely to take the parking spor of the patrol deputy and send him. Then, should something walk up to the sgt while the deputy was gone it would be there to be delegated when he got back. And the saying comtinues.
