Sunday, July 29, 2012

Algonquin parade - where was Zinke?

I read with keen interest the article on McHenry County Blog about the Algonquin Founders Day parade - even looked at all the photos, just waiting for the one with Undersheriff Zinke to come into view in a marked squad car with his undersheriff magnetic sign.

What to my wondering eyes did not appear? Zinke was AWOL. Nygren was AWOL. In fact, the entire McHenry County Sheriff's Department stayed away. Why was that?

The Sheriff's Department didn't even see fit to participate in the parade. It could have sent an on-duty deputy or even asked if an off-duty deputy wanted to volunteer to be in the parade. Not even any MCSD motorcycle officers showed up.

Cal got in the last word, with "A special note for you Sheriff's Department watchers. The McHenry County Sheriff's Department had no entry in the parade. Neither Sheriff Keith Nygren nor his Undersheriff Andrew Zinke was anywhere to be seen."

Cal's punctuation tells the real story. Thanks for making the point, Cal. I got it; I don't know if anyone else did.

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