Sunday, March 11, 2012

Seipler to return to MCSD

Zane Seipler is scheduled to return to work as a deputy sheriff at the McHenry County Sheriff's Department on March 19.

Congratulations, Zane. It has been a tough four years, but you're through it. Get some good financial advice about what to do with the check for the back pay.

At least, you don't have to worry about getting advice from that guy in Huntley who is hanging out in Aruba now.


  1. AWESOME!!!!
    Zane is one of the good guys. Congrats Zane! You beat the system.

  2. Hey, since my girth is so large I have to take out the front driver's seat in order to operate my rustbucket, well that wont get Zane in trouble by issuing me a ticket and I'm not seated as the driver now will it? DOH!!!!!!!
