Thursday, March 8, 2012

Does MCSD permit hiring of illegal aliens?

Here'a an interesting situation. The McHenry County Sheriff's Department should know the laws about hiring illegal aliens to work in the U.S. Shouldn't it?

What about this?

Aramark runs the food service operation at the McHenry County Jail. When it bid for the contract to do so, did it include some labor costs? After all, doesn't it take employees to prepare and cook food and then clean up the mess after feeding 300-400 inmates?

How many employees do you think Aramark might have to hire to do this? More than one or two? Maybe 6-8-10-15? That would be quite a labor cost, wouldn't it?

What if it could hire those workers for $1.00/day? Where could it possible get someone to work for $1.00/day?

Hmmm, what if it hired ICE detainees from the jail? And what if it got them for free?

If Aramark built a large labor cost into the contract, which was then agreed to by the sheriff and the County, and then didn't have to pay that huge labor cost, wouldn't it have a huge profit? What kind of profit-sharing plan does Aramark have?

And what if ICE said it would not permit ICE detainees to work without pay? What if ICE told the Sheriff that he had to pay ICE detainees $1.00/day to work? Sounds like slave labor to me.

But worse? A person in this country illegally cannot legally be employed? If he or she could work, why not release him and let him out and let him work at $8-10/hour (or more) and support his family?

If the Sheriff's Department does pay ICE detainees $1.00/day to work in the kitchen, isn't it employing workers in violation of Federal law?

Inmates used to get special privileges (but no pay) for working in the kitchen. Those special privileges included extra servings of food and sometimes even the opportunity to prepare something special that was not on the menu for inmates. Fair enough. A well-fed worker is a happy worker. A happy worker, even in jail, is much less likely to cause trouble in the jail.

But if kitchen workers have to eat the same slop being served to inmates, will they be "well-fed", happy workers? Or are they more likely to begin generating problems in the jail? And we all know that problems cost money!

Sure sounds like a Jail Management problem to me...


  1. Ya know... just an observation having read your scandalblg for some time now-
    You are an advocate for punishment for crimes. Fair punishment that is. But then you argue the point of prisoners having to pay high fees for phone calls; and now stating a well-fed criminal is a happy criminal.
    Well, if ya dont do a crime, youwont have to do the time... right??? If ya dont wanna be treated as a criminal, then DONT COMMIT CRIMES!!! Duh... and Doh.

  2. Arresting illegals in the jail would have saved time for some deputies a couple of years ago. I hear Seipler is headed back to the scene of the crime next week. Nygren is NEVER going to be in town when that happens. All we need is Scott to return.
