Friday, September 9, 2011

“Angels Over America” 9/11 Memorial

Please take just a few minutes to watch the memorial on YouTube. I met the creator of it, Carolyn Long, in 1995 in Maryland. I received the following message from Carolyn Long today and share it with you. 

In honor of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, I would like to share my revised 9/11 Memorial Video “Angels Over America” with you, and encourage you to share it and the poem from which it was created. My greatest hope is that it comfort and inspire those who view it.
View a YouTube version from:
This professionally produced 8-minute video, which incorporates original 9/11 video and images with music and poetry, is both a moving tribute to 9/11 victims and heroes, and an artistic work which offers healing perspectives on this pivotal moment in our nation's history.
Award-winning New York arranger and composer Mark Freeh co-produced the 8-minute video from my poem, "Angels Over America," against the backdrop of powerful 9/11 images, his stirring arrangement of "America the Beautiful," and beautiful renditions of "Amazing Grace" and "My Country 'Tis of Thee."
The Video's greatest honor was its showing prior to a large 9/11 Memorial Solemn High "Blue Mass" (honoring Men in Blue, First Responders, Military, etc.) presided over by the Bishop of Palm Beach, FL. 
The work’s unique metaphor is powerfully grounded in the reality of that tragic day and spiritually uplifting. The four segments of “Angels Over America” trace both the events and the evolution of shock and awareness, emotion and understanding that lead to transcendence.
The events of September 11, 2001, will be a part of the American consciousness forever. The lens through which we view them will shape our future, and determine how we evolve as a people. 
We must never forget that tragic day, or what got us through it—our indomitable American Spirit, that spirit of freedom born of courage and compassion, resilience and restraint known to all the world. 
“Angels Over America” is dedicated to an America that lost its innocence on September 11—but never its hope.
The DVD is available for group showings by contacting,, or by calling 443-250-0222. The entire poem can be read or downloaded from the website at (When sharing, please include attribution and copyright.)
DVDs and Laminated Posters of the Poem are also available from the website, along with additional information, articles and press releases about 9/11:
Thank you for viewing and sharing this message!

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