Friday, August 26, 2011

Marengo "area" burglaries

According to the McHenry County Sheriff's Department (as of this afternoon),

Ø  "There have been three residential burglaries in the unincorporated Marengo area (Oleson, Coral and Pringle Rd.), during the past several weeks.  
Ø "Stolen has been personal property i.e.; jewelry, television, etc.
Ø "No one has seen or confronted the offenders. 
Ø "There is no information that anyone is carrying a weapon, during these crimes. 
Ø "All of the houses have been forcibly entered through a rear door or patio door. 
Ø "(MCSD) Patrol Bureau and Investigations Bureau are working on these cases. 
Ø "While researching the cases (it was) determined that there were several burglaries that occurred in Boone, Ogle, and DeKalb county. 
Ø "(MCSD is) sharing information and working together with their Offices to identify and arrest the offenders.
"There have not been any reports of anyone confronting these suspect(s) or any violence associated with these crimes.
"As always it is important for homeowners to lock your homes and vehicles when you are away, and report suspicious activities and/or people to the police.  We have been and will continue to be in the area conducting extra patrols with marked and unmarked squad cars.  Please feel free to contact our Office if you have any information.  Criminal Investigation Division:  Lt. James Popovits  815-334-4750."


  1. found this in the NW Herald (had to do a search for it)

  2. when they say: "There have not been any reports of anyone confronting these suspect(s) or any violence associated with these crimes."....THAT IS A BLATANT LIE!!! Both the victims on Ridgeview AND on Randall Court not only SAW the people, these victims were WALKED IN ON WHILE THEY WERE HOME!!! JEEEEEEZ, WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO COVER THIS UP????????????
