Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Green Fire" - free movie at MCC, August 24

Movie Screening - “Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time”
CRYSTAL LAKE – On Wednesday, August 24, there will be a showing of the documentary film “Green Fire” at the McHenry County College Conference Center (Building B) in Crystal Lake. Doors open at 6 pm, the movie will start at 7 pm. This screening is sponsored by the Environmental Defenders of McHenry County, Lou Marchi Total Recycling Institute, and McHenry County Conservation District. The event is free, and the public is invited.
“Green Fire” is the first feature length, high definition documentary film ever made about famed conservationist Aldo Leopold. Emmy-Award winning narrator Peter Coyote lends his talent as the voice of Aldo Leopold, and the film’s on-screen guide is Curt Meine, Leopold’s biographer. The film explores Aldo Leopold’s life in the early part of the twentieth century and the many ways his land ethic idea continues to be applied all over the world today.
Aldo Leopold is considered one of the most important conservationists of the twentieth-century. He is the father of the national wilderness system, wildlife management and ecological restoration. His classic book “A Sand County Almanac” inspires us to see the natural world as a community to which we belong.
“Green Fire” explores Leopold's personal journey of observation and understanding and reveals how his ideas resonate today with people across the entire American landscape, from inner cities to the remotest wildlands. The film challenges viewers to contemplate their own relationship with the land community.
The film features commentary from conservation leaders and practitioners, including scientists, ranchers, scholars, and three of Aldo Leopold’s children—Nina, Carl, and Estella.  Dr. Curt Meine, Leopold’s biographer, serves as the on-camera guide to his life and legacy, making the connections between Leopold’s ideas and their expression in the conservation movement today.

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