Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The 2nd Amendment

Does the 2nd Amendment grant the right to bare arms outside one's home?

Who needs an Amendment for that?

But what about the right to bear arms? Is it really one's constitutional right to carry a gun around town? Or is it more properly a privilege granted by a State?

Of course, I don't like the word "privilege", because it implies that the one granting it has some superiority and also that it can be withdrawn, probably more easily and much faster than it was granted.

I don't mind having the State vet applicants for a concealed carry permit, so long as it is done fairly, impartially, promptly and at reasonable cost. The approval process belongs at the State level, not at a County or municipal level. Just imagine how many years I'd have to wait for an approval of a concealed carry permit, if I had to apply through the McHenry County Sheriff's Department! Do you think I could rely on fairness and impartiality there?

The State's process should be a "shall issue" standard; i.e., the State shall issue the permit, if the applicant meets the standards. Not "may" issue, subject to the whim's of some approval authority. And fees should be reasonable. Right now, there are too high in many states.

Now, back to bare arms. Be sure to apply plenty of sunblock if you are out in the sun and wind!

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