Monday, June 20, 2011

Sheriff's commendations for Scott Milliman

If anyone wonders whether Scott Milliman's sense of smell was affected by any illness or treatment earlier in the decade, be sure to read today's posting on Shadow's MCSD  (

Several commendations issued by Sheriff Nygren are re-published, using such wording as "professionalism", "diligence", "initiative", "alert patrol practices", "JOB WELL DONE" (caps in the original), "exemplary performance" (too bad some at the sheriff's department can't spell; in other memos, the words appear as exempary (sic), and performace (sic) and perfomance (sic)).

Chief James W. Sanford of the Metra Police Department sent a letter of praise to Sheriff Nygren on May 17, 2010, acknowledging the professional of deputies who handled the Phil Pagano suicide on May 7. Attached to that letter is a list of deputies; the list is titled "The following people were at this event:"

"EVENT"? Not hardly.

In 2004 Sheriff Nygren wrote to the Wonder Lake Fire Protection District Chief that he intended to nominate Scott Milliman for the McHenry County Chiefs of Police Lifesaving Award.

This is the deputy that Sheriff Keith Nygren now wants out of the Department. What's the real reason for Nygren's actions?


  1. A lot of those commendations are old.

  2. I don't believe either side is arguing that the man wasn't once a quality officer. The question currently is if he still is capable.

  3. I think nothing has been shown that Scott Milliman is not "capable." Seems like the sheriff just doesn't like him and doesn't want him around.

    The sheriff had a limited amount of time to bring charges against Milliman during the period of Paid Administrative Leave; he didn't do it.
