Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jack Franks supports concealed carry

Rep. Jack Franks became a co-sponsor of, and voted for, HB 0148 a week ago, when the bill (to allow concealed carry of loaded guns) came up in the Illinois House of Representatives for a vote.

To read Jack's letter to constituents, click on the letter to enlarge it. Then click on the Back button on your browser to come back here. You may have received a copy of this letter by email from Jack's office. Although I've been in contact with Jack's office for more than five years about concealed carry, I did not; I got my copy at this month's meeting of the McHenry County Right to Carry Association (MCR2CA).

The next meeting of the MCR2CA will be Thursday, June 9, at 7:00PM at the Woodstock VFW. Meetings are the second Thursday of the month. Please join us. Women, young adults and students are especially invited.

Although the bill was pulled for future consideration, it's not DOA. Sixty-five Representatives voted for it. The goal was 71 votes, to make it bullet-proof against home-rule city tampering and Gov. Quinn's promised veto.

Prof. John Lott's book offers many statistical reasons for concealed carry. It's not the easiest read, but the title says it all, and then backs it up. More Guns, Less Crime.

Suzanne Gratia Hupp's book, From Luby's to the Legislature, offers the emotional reason for concealed carry. Her parents, along with 20 other customers, were gunned down in a Luby's restaurant in Texas in 1991. She was a trained marksman, but her gun, in accordance with Texas law at the time, was in her car, not in her purse.

Like to borrow either book? Just contact me. There is a one-week check-out (from "Gus's Library"), plus a deposit equal to the price of a new copy (just in case you don't return it on time).

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