Wednesday, May 4, 2011

House could vote today on gun bill

According to a press release from the Illinois State Rifle Association ( and an article in the Northwest herald this morning, HB 0148 made it out of the House Agriculture & Conservation Committee yesterday on a 12-1 vote. This vote, along with previous votes, signifies strong support from both Republicans and Democrats in the House.

Proponents of the Bill are shooting for a 71-vote majority, which will mean a "super majority" and veto-proof vote on this Bill. Gov. Quinn will be unable to stop it, as he has said he will do. Quinn is clearly rolling over under pressure from Chicago; central and downstate Illinois residents and legislators want right-to-carry in Illinois.

Call all the State legislators you know (and others) to ask them to support this bill. Do it now. Best bet? Call the Springfield office, where the legislator will have to face his staff in-person. All the phone numbers are at Click on House, Members to view their photos and find their phone numbers.

From the Illinois State Rifle Association today:

HB148 – Concealed Carry Goes to House Floor
We are very pleased to announce that HB148, Concealed Carry, passed out of the House Agriculture Committee by a vote of 12-1.

However, there is trouble ahead for HB148. Governor Quinn has promised to veto the bill if it is passed

Your immediate action is required to help ensure that HB148 passes the Illinois House. Here is what you need to do:

1. Call your state representative at both his/her District and Springfield offices. Politely tell the person on the phone that you are a law-abiding Illinois citizen who wants the opportunity to defend yourself and family from dangerous criminals. Tell the person on the phone that you would like the representative to vote “YES” on HB148.

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