Friday, April 22, 2011

More vandalism in Woodstock

Late Thursday night or early Friday morning taggers were back at work in Woodstock, vandalizing a truck, a house, and two brick columns on N. Seminary Ave. at Hutchins St.

Gang signs were sprayed on a house and on two sides of the north entrance to Emerson Loft townhomes, and the words "Pussy" and "Bitch" were sprayed on a pick-up truck. The vandalism was observed during the night and attracted police attention.

This morning I emailed the president of Woodstock Area Crime Stoppers, former Woodstock PD police chief Joe Marvin, to ask that Woodstock Area Crime Stoppers (WACS) get involved. In response to a request after the Hill St. water tower was tagged, I learned that the WACS waits to be contacted by the Woodstock Police Department.

I say, "Don't wait." The WACS is an autonomous organization, fully independent of the police department. Residents of the City are on the Board, although it's virtually impossible to find out who they are. You'd think I was looking for the identities of CIA agents operating in Afghanistan.

A reward of up to $1,000 might just entice somebody to spill the beans on the jerks who are destroying Woodstock. And a healthy pay-out would help, too, not just dangling $1,000 in front of some noses and then tossing $100 at somebody for a valuable time.

The vandalism to the truck could probably be classified as a "hate crime", which carries very serious penalties.

It's time to put the gang members on notice that they really might want to consider moving out of Woodstock. Or they can become respectful members of the community. I, for one, am not willing to watch Woodstock go downhill and become another Elgin or Chicago.

As weather warms, residents might like to use the Park on the Square. All residents need to feel safe in going there and walking on the Square at night. If the punks think they are going to take over the Square this summer, they've got another "think" coming.

Everyone is welcome on the Square. Just behave yourselves. Don't block the sidewalks. No bicycles, dogs, loud radios. Make way for the elderly. No loud, rowdy, or profane speech.

A constant police presence (and expense) should not be required in our small town. If it is, then there ought to be a lot of arrests to drive away the troublemakers. No special "beat" for the Square should be needed.

For now, as you drive around Woodstock at any hour, but especially at night, watch for anyone loitering and quickly notify the police. Program 815-338-2131 into your cell phone. If you see some punk with dark clothing, standing on a neighborhood street corner late at night, with his hands in his pockets and cap twisted on sideways, looking around like he has nothing to do and trying to look "innocent", call the police and let them stop by and make an Interview Card on him.

Keep yourself safe. Don't stop. Just roll on by, and then call.

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