Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is Ill. Sen. Lightford light-headed?

The following came to me in an email today.

“Call now to Stop Illinois from Adopting U.N. Parent-Child Policy.

“Senator Kimberly Lightford (D-Westchester, on the Illinois Senate Education Committee) has introduced legislation (S.B. 0092) urging all Illinois state agencies to comply with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and urging the U.S. Senate to ratify it and thus make it the law of the land.

“The relationship between parents and children has always been considered "off limits" to government intrusion, with narrowly defined exceptions, such as divorce, abuse or neglect, etc. The CRC turns this time-honored approach on its head and places, without exception, every aspect of the parent-child relationship under government regulation.

“Right now, you have unquestioned authority to determine what is best for your children--what church they should attend, how much time they spend on chores, what websites and books they should read, whether they should be homeschooled, what friends they can hang out with, etc.

“The CRC takes your right to make all those family decisions and places it second in line behind the government's. Every parental decision you might make would be subject to review and veto by a government agent.

“If Senator Lightford's legislation passes, state agencies and judges could begin implementing aspects of the CRC in the state of Illinois, even if the U.S. Senate never ratifies it.

“Action Requested. Please call, email or visit Senator Lightford, if you are her constituent, and ask her to withdraw her legislation, which is known as SR 92. Use the HSLDA legislative toolbox to see if you live in her district . Your message can be as simple as, "Please withdraw SR 92. Parents--not the government--should decide what is best for their children."

“If you would like to understand the issues in greater depth, an excellent and well-footnoted resource is "Twenty Things You Should Know about the CRC" available at this website:

“Her Springfield office is 323 Capitol Building, Springfield, IL 62076; phone (217) 782-8505; fax (217) 588-2068.

“Her Westchester office is
10001 West Roosevelt Rd., Suite 202
; phone (708) 343-7444; fax (708) 343-7400.

“Background. If this email is your first exposure to the CRC, you may be shaking your head in disbelief right now. Or you may be telling yourself that this would be so bad that it could not POSSIBLY really happen.

“Please accept the challenge of reading an excellent, well-footnoted document called, "Twenty Things You Should Know about the CRC" available at this website:

“And if you think it could not POSSIBLY happen in America, consider that: (1) former President Bill Clinton ALREADY placed his presidential signature on the CRC on behalf of the U.S.; and (2) every nation in the world has adopted the CRC except the U.S. and Somalia.”

The Law of the Land in the U.S. is the United States. We, the People, make our laws here. Sure looks to me like it’s time for Lightford to be sent packing.


  1. What exactly does "The law of the land in the U.S. is the Unites States" mean?

  2. The laws for the U.S. are made in the U.S. We don't roll over and swallow stupid U.N. ideas like this for about kids or taking guns away from law-abiding citizens.

  3. I seriously cannot believe the United States government would even consider this. But... slowly but surely we are watching our Constitutional rights being diminished. We are also watching our Constitution get shredded under this administration. Vote the scoundrels out! All of them!
