Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Island Lake candidates - who are these three?

Three candidates are running for election in The Right Party in Island Lake. The election is APRIL 5th, 2011. What's going on over there? Don't they know they can't win with the platform they have?

An email from Joe "the Pledger" Ptak today explained their approach. See if it makes sense to you...

Joe wrote that Shannon Fox, Thea Morris and he are "very interested and concerned about the future of our small town." Joe, no, no, no. You have to be interested in lining your own pockets!
Then he says that Island Lake "has experienced severe negative media attention...and rightfully so..." Watch those understatements, Joe.
He goes on, "...both of our past Mayors were indicted, as well as other members of our current/past village administration.  Our police department has had several different police chiefs in the last few years, along with a tremendous amount of personnel turnover."
Joe, how can you fight experience like that?
But then he wrote that transparency in government in Island Lake is lacking and is of major concern with the residents.
Transparency? What a word for a candidate for office to use. Joe, you can't mean it!
OK, enough of the joking around...
Joe does mean it. Joe's got the right idea, and they picked the right name. Joe's a stand-up guy. Island Lake will have a strong chance to pull itself out of the muck and start operating in a way that attracts the respect of other communities in McHenry County (and Lake County, since the County line splits up the community).
Visit their website at  (He adds, "Log in for future updates.")

These three need the attention, help and financial support of Islake Lake residents. Reading their website isn't enough. Help them get out and knock on doors, and pitch in some money to help them win. Get involved now! Two months will pass very quickly.

Winning may not be quite enough initially, because Village Board votes might still be 4-3 too often. These three might just be able to persuade one of the other four to start siding with them in the move for progress.

Good luck to Joe, Shannon and Thea.


  1. Thank you for your support Gus...hope you give the RIGHT Party your formal endorsement in the near future.

    FYI, we believe Trustee Rabattini will be able to side with us on many issues. Our campaign has already received encouragement, and support, from her and dozens of other residents already. Furthermore, in just a couple of days, we received nearly 200 ballot petition signatures, when 60was all that was required. Trust me...people around here are demanding change...and so are we!

    VERY BRIEFLY...I believe that in order for Island Lake to prosper and grow...our whole REGION must do so first!

    I intend to be working closely with Congressman Joe Walsh and State Sen. Dan Duffy in this regard. I know that with their leadership and our help...they are already fully committed to helping their constituents grow and prosper in our region.

    Hard work lies ahead, but I have never known real Americans to cower from adversity and challenges. God bless.

  2. Thanks, Joe. I hadn't looked up the terms and had thought that Laurie Rabattini's term was up. You three and she can turn Island Lake around.

  3. There are many people that would love to help, but can not due to things being held over their head and job security.

    I wish the RIGHT party the best in their bid for office. Hopefully enough people that live in the village have learned about the Mayor's behind the scene takeovers and will save what is left of the village by voting for these three honest people to help put a stop to it.

    For some of us, we can only hope and pray...hopefully those prayers will be answered.

  4. In addition to hoping and praying, knocking on doors, talking to residents and asking them to vote for the R.I.G.H.T. Party candidates will help; so will some time for phone calls, letter-writing, envelope stuffing, providing email addresses and parting with a few dollars to help those three win.
