Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Will Sheriff reinstate Seipler?

Yesterday in McHenry County Circuit Court a judge ruled* that Zane Seipler should be reinstated immediately by McHenry County Sheriff Keith Nygren.

Will it happen?

Doesn't Nygren have an appeal pending in the Appellate Court in Elgin? If so, for what date is that case scheduled?

No information other than the decision appears on Zane's blog at http://www.mcsdexposed.blogspot.com/. If Nygren obeys the judge's ruling, then Zane will go back to work and receive all his back pay. I hope the judge's ruling included a short deadline for payment of all back pay.

If Zane's lawyer didn't get a "pay-by" date from the judge, the sheriff will pull the same nonsense he has with another deputy; i.e., contesting the calculations and amount due and paying nothing until the new batteries for the calculator are delivered. Unfortunately, the calculator has been on the shelf so long that it is obsolete, and no store carries replacement batteries. (Hint: BestBuy sells a nice electronic, printing calculator, new, for about $60.00.)

The other deputy is owed about $200,000, and the tab to square up with Zane could come close to that. So that's a half-million dollars, by the time you add in other obligated payments, that MCSD has wasted through the stalling tactics of the recently-reelected incumbent.

* Oh, wait; I just read the "fine print" at the bottom of Zane's homepage. It reads, "No, not really, the hearing is scheduled for January 20, 2011."

And, in a message clearly intended for Sheriff Nygren and his staunch supporters, Zane added, "I just wanted some of you to experience that sinking feeling in your stomach, so you know what to expect in the near future."

1 comment:

  1. "No, not really, the hearing is scheduled for January 20,2011."

    Perhaps you should read both of the two lines on Seipler's blog.
