Thursday, December 2, 2010

Who's coming from Zacatecas?

You should see the itinerary for the folks I called "representatives" of Zacatecas. And you should see who is coming!

Who? The Right Honorable Lic. Miguel Alejandro Alonso Reyes, Governor of Zacatecas and The Honorable Lic. Rafael Flores Mendoza, President of Guadalupe. No doubt a contingent of subordinates will accompany them.

They fly into O'Hare on Sunday and will stay at the Holiday Inn in Crystal Lake. What? Woodstock lodging, even at the Royal Victorian Bed & Breakfast, a million-dollar investment by the innkeepers, Everton Martin and Karla Stewart-Martin, isn't good enough? I'd like to know who recommended the Holiday Inn over the Royal Victorian B&B!

Monday's itinerary includes several Woodstock District 200 schools and a photo op with a school bus being donated by District 200 and Chuck & Helen Ruth. Who do you suppose will drive it the 2,000 miles to Zacatecas?

Then Sheriff Nygren will get his picture taken with the Mexican government executives, before they head over the Centegra Hospital. Any guess as to how soon the cop exchange will be re-instituted?

Drinks and dinner on the Square will round out Monday.

On Tuesday Carpentersville and Chicago's Federal District Court Judge Barbosa get their attention, and then dinner with the Manny Figueroa family in Marengo.

Wednesday? Off to O'Hare and Zacatecas. Nice little week-end junket, right?

Woodstock officials are noticeably absent, by name, from the itinerary, but you can bet they'll be right in there all day Monday.

Don't you just have to wonder what the purpose of a trip like this is? I mean, what are two senior government officials going to learn about Woodstock? About the real Woodstock? They will be squired around, and you can bet that the travel route will be carefully chosen.

Think they'll pass by the Section 8 housing on Sheila Street or Woodstock barrio north of the Square? Not hardly.

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